Making a CA18de ignitor to work on a SR20det

hey guys, need some help, i need to knwo the sr ignitor pinout so i can figure a way to wire up a differnt ignitor to it to get it to run…i have to give the one back i stole from andrew’s car, so i’m stuck without a running sr…any help welcome, thanks.

umm someone tell em if im wrong … but doesnt the ignitor say ON the top what pin does what… because mine does…im pritty sure its 5 pins in and 4 pins out?

man, hit yourself in the head, i mean which wire comes from where and goes to which pin…especilly on the CAS side…i need to wire up a CA ignitor to it, so i need to know that…

i gotthe ignitor to work, it was pretty easy with the CA pinout.

i’ll post the information later. or pm me for details