LOL its next weekend asshole…and I might not come home from Hawaii!
If its money where in reality it came from illegal things and wasnt stolen from anyone, noone would be dumb enough to claim it. And if the cops cant prove its origins to say it was part of a crime then they might just get it back. Then I would promptly move the fuck away and change my name.
This just goes to show you how ignorant people are when it comes to their money.
Wonderful hobby gardening. Creates all sorts of self sufficiency and finds great money in his garden.
A jobless male in northern Illinois discovered a duffel bag full of $20 bills in his yard Monday evening. Local professionals then found another duffel bag, also stuffed with money. Together, the bags had $150,000. So far, nobody has any idea how it arrived. It was on the news that Chicago area man finds $150,000 in his back yard. He was a honorable citizen because if I find some money I’m keeping it.
While most people, especially those who are out of work, would not find such a discovery to be a problem, Sabaj was worried that it may have come from a bank robbery. He was afraid of being charged with the crime it he spent any of it. He decided to call the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department and turn the money in.