Man food

Yes you definitely do, you just won’t admit to it. :tong

It’s OK Nicole, everybody poops. :nod


I know everyone poops, but I don’t get explosive poo from macaroni and cheese (or any other food) is what I’m saying. :rofl

Yes you do!


Silly boys.

I like to think we live in a perfect world where woman dont shit

I’ve lived with shannon for a year and some change, and not once have i seen her in the bathroom for more than 2 seconds takin a leak, and that was even when i was jobless and home 24/7

Woman dont shit… thats my theroy and im stickin with it


The only time i’ve seen a girl in the bathroom more than 2 seconds is when I was in there with her bangin’ her in the shower. :rofl

Yep, and thats the way it will stay in my head forever, unless your doing akeup or im banging you in the shower…

lets get off topic…

Shower sex is nice, but sometimes it blows because you start humpin away and the water keeps taking off the lubercation, then it turns to dry sex, and then you get out of the shower, and you start to hump and then you stick to eachother

girls do not poop

Shower sex is mostly good for not having to worry about making a mess…

Other than that, it can be hazardous, and as you said water does not necessarily mean wet in the way it matters.

Yeah but, watching a girl try and wash cumm off her in the shower is great, i swear cum seems to turn to glue when it gets wet

so, 3 seconds?


Yeah, thats the sucky part. Funny story actually… at college I was doin’ a girl in the shower… I was moving dorms, so they put me in a temp. dorm with a shower and tub. We were going at it in the tub, with her kneeled down and me giving it all from behind. Well, I thrusted way, way too hard and SLAMMED her head against the wall of the tub. :rofl

She got a concussion. :rofl Had a hard time explaining that one to the doctor.

She slipped and fell in the shower. That’s not hard to explain. ::slight_smile:

How’d you know? :ohnoes

ok seriously, enough of these BS sex stories. No one wants to click a thread about man food and then read this crap


No bitchassness allowed in any thread that has to do with manly things.

Seriously though, back to food since I am starving.

Get back on topic:

That’s quite the burger there.

I think I am going to give the Velveeta and meat a try tonight. I already plan on shitting up a storm anyway with Thanksgiving dinner, so I might as well go ahead and treat myself while I can.