
Along the same lines if you want to have a good time ask someone our age who grew in Germany about WWII and what they learned in school.

“Native American culture” was a poor word selection on my part, perhaps “What other national holiday is associated with Native Americans?” would have been better.

Anyways, after that derailment, is the world a better place with a popular perception that Mandela was a peaceful and loving person and did no wrong?

Same as is the U.S. better with our own history being glossed over?

I’d say yes at the elementary level, but beyond that?

I’m curious if drone strikes all over the world will get left out of US world history text books going forward.

That depends if America wins.

I just don’t agree that Thanksgiving is associated with native Americans at all. It’s associated with food, lol. Certainly they’re one part of the “story” of Thanksgiving but not the focal point for the whole holiday.

Beyond that, individual thought needs to triumph over group-think. This leads to a discussion on “how to think” verses “what to think” and propaganda verses selective omission.

It certainly changes the theme of the story. Apartheid was wrong no matter how you look at it but the people fighting it look a lot less like heroes when you realize they weren’t so much about non-violent protest for change as they were about bombings, landmines, torture and general setting people’s heads on fire with gasoline filled tires.

Those are good things but they’re probably all underpowered, and there’s no denying most of them are hideous.

cliffs of his life?

A play probably takes longer to learn than to eating the meal itself. I’d say that this is the focal point of elementary lesson plans. To me, this feels like propaganda more than omission.

Omitting wrong doings to make history easier to digest, I get it. Just don’t put on a yearly play, have 40% of the class put on white face, and pretend ending of apartheid was a peaceful movement.

Not sure how well a genocide thanksgiving play would go over with parents in elementary school. Just sayin.

I have a lot less problems with kids being taught a sanitized version of history in elementary school than mainstream media doing the same thing for adults.

It would be much more entertaining.

This is so wrong but so damn funny…

oh god that’s funny.

as for all the anti-mandela stuff I can’t help but recall the saying “One’s man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter”

Heard on the radio the sign language interpreter for his funeral was a complete fake. Does the debauchery ever end?

*as seen two posts up :slight_smile:

Oops, not sure how I missed that.

awesome haha