Nelson Mandela is dead

I’m organizing a cruise to the Bronx zoo, stayed tuned for more info.

Big fucking deal ! Zero fucks given


big surprise he was like 100

I guess no one on shift cares about a nobel peace prize winner.


He took away from Paul walkers news feed ! Granted he did amazing things but he was old and died of natural causes .

And no Elliot it isn’t about race lol , so stuff the neg rep up your ass .

:rofl :rofl :rofl repped.

Guy was a communist

he was great in Shawshank Redemption.

  • rep for knowing your shit

make that 2 nobel piece prize winners.

mandela, gore, and obama all have won a nobel political prize.

between that post and your facebook news feed u still get to keep the neg rep :lol

Thanks sir, + rep back.