middle east

anybody see whats going on in israeli(sp)…they cant even open the choppers doors to get yassers body out and burry it b/c of the huge ass crowd

yeah watching it now. its fucking caotic over there.

fuck yasser good ridence


he won a nobel peace prize

fuck that terrorist asshole
should have launched a missle into that crowd. :reloading

word up

its going to be insane over there in a few weeks…the isralies r prob. going to try and get rid of all of the palenstines…

x bajillion

so because of that you are sad he’s dead? i’m glad he’s dead…

same here… I just hope they dont do a 12 suicide bomber salute in his honor

Nukem While Theyre All In A Big Group!!

yeah, kill those fuckers. i hope they all die. i hope all the israelies die too. nuke the whole middle east!!!111

umm israel is a big ally of the united states

and supports suicide bombings of school buses :kekegay: really peaceful

the PLO is one of the most ruthless terror organizations in the world. he got the peace prize for his talks but he blew that by getting greedy

haha i know, i was kidding