manual rack into a 1g eclipse.

I know the 1.8’s came with option manual steering racks.
Im hoping someone can guide me along the way.

Im looking for a rack,
And i need to know what all do i need.
Any brackets? different tie rods? etc etc.

Thanks for any help

you really want to go with manual steering? Thats not something I would do on my daily, but best of luck

its not too bad. the whole deal is the manual rack is a different gear ratio so its alot easier.

Don’t be a pussy :greddy2:


why, was your white dsm manual steering?

Yea. It was just a de-powered manual rack.

(Honesly, between it and the welded center diff, it sucked. Loved it in the bends though.)

But, I have no power steering in the Miata, but because of the overall setup, it’s cake. I have no complaints at all.

i have a manual rack going into my 1g as well. they arn’t bad at all to steer as long as your not a little girl about it haha jk man but the only thing you need is the passenger side bracket. its a little bit smaller than the bracket for the power rack. i tried to order mine from biondi mitsubishi but it was “ineligable for order” but machV motorsports has them for $10 or $15

the universal joint/rag joint that comes off the column to the rack should be different too.