lol, should we just skip the poll and ban yambag as the winner by way of most nominations?
lol i wanted a vote… …start the shit early
Damn, you beat me. I second this.
OMG! That’s amazing!
Sean Jon in the “Spotted Batmobile” thread
Here’s a supporting argument for his ban, well put:
Glad i could be of service.
Wow and i thought i was bad at English.:spank:
you are.
So, it’s April 2nd… when can we start voting?
Obviously Sean Jon should be left off the voting since he’s already banned.
Also, did anyone get banned from the February voting?
I think that everyone that voted in yesterdays thread or I mean
Poll is up. Yes, JEG took it on the chin for three days - yet managed to not get a nod for March.
My name is not Moreitulda
wow whoever created the poll should be banned
your name is spelled wrong, “yeambu” “iwannagodast1”
Can i vote to un-ban Sean Jon for the epic-ness that followed his joining the site?
Lol nice