Marine Tosses Puppy

Got them all already so i have to wait for some fresh ones to pop out of the oven. Ive been more focused on beating up old people and deflating the kids soccer balls.

You monster!


He’s become numb to the deflating. He deflated some guys inflate a date yesterday for no reason at all.

Then when i was done i found this really cute kitten that looked thirsty and i gave it some water…EVEN THOUGH I HAD MILK!!!BWAHHHAHHA

“you know what would be sweet? let’s make a video of us throwing a puppy over a cliff!!! but the best part is, the video can be fake, and we can bring all sorts of negative attention to ourselves!!!11!!”

i don’t care if it is fake or not. if it is real, they are heartless shiteaters. if it is fake, they are attention whoring shiteaters.

maybe the puppy was a terrorist?

i thought the video was kinda funny.

I agree and if it was one of my soldiers they would be in loads of trouble even if it was fake. Either way i dont think just harsh punishment is the answer i would probably be interested in getting the soldier the medical help thet he needs.

He is a big tuff guy, wonder what happens when someone shoots at him, does he throw puppies?


i thought it was pointless, any way you cut it. it wasn’t like jack black in anchor man kicking baxter off the bridge, which was so blatantly and hysterically fake. this was intended to look real, and very well may be.

why is this funny?

why ISN’T it funny?

it’s funny because it’s absurd. why would someone throw a puppy? it’s just so off the wall.

dude: hey, here’s a cute dog…

other dude: oh man… what should we do with it?

dude: IDK… ummm… let’s fucking throw it!

other dude: oh man, that’s a great idea!

third dude: hey, you guys gonna throw that puppy?

dude: you fucking better believe it

other dude: you want in?

third dude: you know it! let’s find a fucking cliff

god. it gets funnier and funnier the more i think about it. i’m not laughing at the dog, i’m laughing at the people…

Either way you look at it, the people behind this video are sick fucks. Anyone who would get enjoyment out of the torture of animals, real or simulated, is also a sick fuck. Something like this should have no value to anyone. I hope those involved get everything they deserve.

sorta makes sense i guess. i think that “funny” is below words like pathetic, cruel, and lame on the list of descriptive words that depict this situation.

a great mass people get tons of enjoyment out of the simulated torture/killing of people. it’s a fucking blockbuster smash! SEE: rambo

why would a fake puppy chucking be such a travesty?

simulated killing of an innocent person? OK!


please. :roll2:

your analogy is flawed.

a movie like rambo is implied fiction.

this video is either a) real; or b) fake, but made with the intent to have people perceive it as being real.

sorry, but its just not the same.

im not ready to go headhunting for these guys, but it is pretty sick and :gay:

i seriously was waiting to see my neighbor from when i lived in Amherst. we rescued my basset hound from the fag.He would throw the dog down the stairs 3 times a day. We lived in a duplex so we could here it every time it happened. he was the dumbest fucking marine you will ever meet

No. Seriously, I don’t see how anyone could see this as at all funny without a severe disconnect from reality and the consequences of real life.

There is a huge difference between something like this, which at the very least simulates torture to an animal, and the scene in anchorman, which was intended to be humorous and set within a film where it was known the animal was not harmed.

I cannot even rationalize a theoretical conversation where the decision to throw a puppy off a cliff could even be made and agreed upon by a group of modern human beings.

Objective: Gain 15 min of fame


Maybe I sound like a dick, but its just a fuckin dog. Sure its a helpless, cute, innocent little puppy-poo-poo but man, of all the things to get so emotionally incensed over, this ranks pretty far down on my list. Grow some hair on your balls/chest/ass.

You guys know how veal is made lol?

also: if a fucking DOG getting killed on the internet is high on the list of things that bother you in the world, your priorities are really fucked up.

it’s just a shitty fucking dog.

i would personally throw 500 puppies off a cliff in order to save ONE wrongly killed iraqi citizen. All this fuss over a DOG could be channeled into much more important things.

of course, everything is relative. you aren’t saying anything i disagree with. however, in terms of absolutes, tossing a dog over a cliff is f-ed up. events can have independent moral value.
