Marine Tosses Puppy

makes me sick

youtube took it off the site today from all the bashing…

(CNN) – The military is investigating a “shocking and deplorable” YouTube video that seems to show a Marine throwing a puppy off a rocky cliff. removed the video for violating the Web site’s terms of use.

The black-and-white puppy makes a yelping sound as it flies through the air.

“That’s mean, that was mean,” one companion says off-camera, addressing the alleged puppy thrower by his last name. The fate of the animal is not known.

The Marine is identified on the video and in other Internet postings as a lance corporal stationed at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe.

It’s not clear where the video was shot, although the man who appears to throw the puppy and another Marine are in full combat gear with helmets. had taken down the video by 12:30 p.m. ET Tuesday “due to terms of use violation,” according to a banner on the Web site.

“This is a shocking and deplorable video that is contrary to the high standards that we set for every Marine,” Marine Corps spokesman Maj. Chris Perrine said at a news conference Monday night.

He said the Marine is being kept safe in view of the anger over the alleged incident.

Perrine added that the majority of Marines conduct themselves honorably.

“There are many examples of Marines who adopt pets and bring them back from Iraq and demonstrate their compassion on a daily basis,” he said.

If the video is deemed legitimate, the lance corporal could face a charge of conduct unbecoming a Marine, Perrine said. There could be administrative action, nonjudicial punishment or a court-martial, he added.

“It’s all governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and anything from reduction in pay to reduction in rank to confinement to discharge from the Marine Corps” is possible, Perrine said. If others are involved, they too will be disciplined, he said.

“Certainly, there’s a lot of outrage, and a lot of people are upset about it. I think every Marine is upset about this video,” he said. "We hope that it turns out not to be what it looks like

not nice

i watched that the other day and wanted to club that asshole with a bat.

Fuckin scumbag

someone needs to throw his ass off a cliff. thats some fucked up shit right there and i hope this asshole gets everything they can throw at him.

haven’t / won’t watch it.

UCMJ will prolly take care of this asshat. Can you imagine explaining that dishonorable discharge for the rest of your working life?

his command has probably RIPPED him to pieces by now… at least hopefully

and the most fucked up part is, this will FAR overshadow the fact that there are plenty of service members that bring pets over from there

ill tell you this though… i dont want to be a marine recruiter in Berkley right now with this shit happening

its not actually that bad to watch(suprisingly).

The kind of dude that would do something like that, definitely is not going anywhere in life without the military.

yea he needs to be thrown off a cliff then pissed on by 7 dogs.

What the hell.


I’ve heard some rumors that it may be fake.

But if it’s not it’s sad that so many good kids are getting killed over there and this piece of shit is doing just fine. They should put him on IED disposal detection and disposal duty, but without the fancy robots. Here’s a pair of vice grips, wire cutters and a hammer. Good luck asswipe.

the only thing he has going for him is the military, after hes most likly dishonorably discharged, there will be a new, terrible downward spiralling chapter of his life.

what a pile of shitb

fake x3.

pick a stray up like that, see if it moves, it will bite you, claw you, get pissed n thrash.
Looks like a stuffed dog with a rock in it, or a dead dog, notice the sound didnt fade.
So fake.

you are an idiot. that is all.

actually now that i watch it again it does look very dead, and the yelping does sound dubbed in but that may be wrong too im not sure, it could just be motionless kuz its so young, and scared

karma will bite ya in the ass. some iraqi will will probably get a headshot on him soon.

The marine was just teaching it how to fly…

omfg i remember that movie lmao