Marine Tosses Puppy

do you own any leather goods at all? you never answered that question.

your viewpoint devalues intent, which i think is pretty laughable.

i dont think this is a “massive tagedy”. i think its stupid and pointless.

you are a vegan, right? so you are so ultra concerned about animals and killing. yet you chose a hobby that supports excess fuel consumption and feeds the ongoing war. your existence contradicts itself.

so the person who randomly brings up “homosexual issues” is accusing someone who injures a dog of having “homosexual issues”

if anyone has “homosexual issues”, i’d say it’s you, pal.

also, please don’t lump my viewpoint in with the general population of over-reactors…

The video may be funny to you. That’s your opinion, I just don’t agree with it.

The apathy expressed by “people do what they want. so be it.” in my opinion is what is wrong. I guess in a society where I’m guaranteed to be able to have a 30min conversation about Britanny Spears, an individual where chances are neither of us have met, with any complete stranger off the street, but would be lucky to get at least a basic comprehension of our own political system… this should come as no surprise.

I feel you’re a pretty bright person (more than average) and more aware of what I would consider important issues in our lives, I just feel that your ideas on this are wrong. Nothing personal.

i’m not as self righteous as you’re painting me.

I am not crying “tragedy!”

I am pointing out why it’s hypocritical that you claim this.

If i was accusing people of being WRONG for eating meat, and you pointed out that i had leather seats in my truck, then the accusations that you are making about myself would be legitimate.

that is exactly why this video is funny.

fair enough. i guess i connected the dots for you, you did not ever say eating meat was wrong. it seemed implied…

i do think it is wrong, but you will never find me trying to convince anyone of this.

Maybe the day that i am a 100% perfect vegan, i could… but i’ll never be able to, nor would i still.

Hypocrisy abounds. It’s nearly impossible to avoid. But it’s important to be able to identify it.

I’m getting the idea that it’s not so much the actual video you find funny; just the idea of what emotional effect the video has on people. The absurdity of the video and the resulting response is ridiculous considering the other issues that we could be debating right now that have far more moral significance.

I have a finace and a son, I think you are sadly mistaken.

As for my statement about homosexual issues, it has been proven in many studies that people who abuse or torture animals, especially young males, have either been victims of abuse, physical or sexual themselves. Of those who have been studied and abused animals, many of the abusers have cited pent up homosexual and sexual frustration and problems as a cause for their cruelty towards animals.

There is a triad of crimes called the MacDonald Triad, which link animal cruelty as a juvenile or young adult to more violent crimes later in life like rape and murder. I have a B.A. in Law and studied many types of criminal as well as psychological pathologies, it has been proven in study after study…

One of the known warning signs of certain psychopathologies, including anti-social personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality disorder, is a history of torturing pets and small animals, a behavior known as zoosadism. According to the New York Times, "[t]he FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders. [3] “A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a young boy.”

exactly. 100%


As a testament to the power of this topic this thread is going strong at 4+ pages in under 40min.

why its a pretty gay fucking topic.

Marine throws dog over cliff ------> World ends

Parallel this with news stories like Michael Vick or Natalie Holloway. Perhaps these stories are outlets for our deeper frustrations we hold, but are too afraid to speak up on. The media knows this and our politicians know this so we’re fed this to keep us subdued. /end conspiracy theory


so your post, coupled with your wikipedia crosspost has made it abundantly clear that people who torture animals grow up to be rapists, murderers, etc. etc.

this is a fact i do not deny.

i can’t imagine that you’re stupid enough (though i bet you’re pretty stupid) to be trying to draw the parallel that all rapists and murderers have “homosexual issues”

so why did you even bother bringing that stuff up in response to what i said? no one was denying this…

are you scared of killer fags? do you have a hard time sleeping knowing that IN YOUR VERY NEIGHBORHOOD, there are men having sex with men who could kill you at any moment?

of the examples that you just cited, the first one to pop into your little brain was “homosexual issues”

who has the “homosexual issues” again?

I forgot that being married to some haggard “model” and firing out some shitty kid immediately precluded you from being a homosexual.

wait a sec. these guys are married. and gay. but that can’t happen!!! oh noes! worlds collide!



Meet your meat

If you haven’t seen this. Please tell why this is any better because its “killing for food”

there is another one about a slaughterhouse with some weird throat cutting machine that’s also disturbing…