Mario Kart Wii.....OMG...

post your friend codes!!!

boardjnky4: 4382-2556-3679

We can set up some times to play online

It’s kind of pricey just for one game

$250 Wii
$55 Second controller and chuck
$50 Mario cart
$10 Second Wheel

But probably still worth it

I dont use the wheel that much. My girlfriend uses it. I prefer the remote/nuncuck controller setup.

Its not too expensive to play either.

$250 Wii
$50 WiiPlay (Game and remote combo)
$50 MarioKart

That will get you two remotes, the system, the game, steering wheel, and nunchuck so you can play 2 player.

Have it and played it. Awsome game, controls are near perfect for the wheel. And it allows you to use the old gamecube controllers which is a plus.

just picked the game up yesterday… its a ok game … only had like 2 races so i did not get into it

^^ its an ok game, it gets a lil addicting at first, but after a week of playing i’m bored… then again i’ve also been playing GTA IV all week and MK doesn’t even compare…