Mark VS everyone!

Sorry, what’s this about again?

Link to thread?

It was in nightscreams for sale thread for the silvia

I know it’s not a big shocker to anyone, but I’m gonna go ahead and agree with Mark.
Some people here just have no sense of common decency. Or common sense in general. You think a person with a life and a future will risk that shit to beat down some punk on the internet? If anyone ever stepped to me, they would be dragged away in handcuffs. I don’t care how much smaller they are than me, and how easily I could beat them down. No internet beef is worth me risking my future over.

They could end up calling the cops on me, they could end up getting their buddies, they could pull a knife/gun on me. It’s just so much simpler and easier to NOT waste my time and risk my future, and call the police. I pay for those sons of bitches anyway, might as well give them some work to do.

Honestly, you know who gets into fights? KIDS. I’ve had little kids try to fight me and my friends in the club. We stood there, we laughed at them, and they kept yelling and trying to escalate things until the bouncers THREW them out. We got to stay in our comfy booth, and the bouncers APOLOGIZED to us, for the fact that they didn’t throw their asses out earlier. And surprise surprise, their girls didn’t want their night to end at 1, so they didn’t leave with the guys. And I made out with one of them :smiley: Any adult on this site will agree with Mark and I, and only little kids will talk shit about fighting and settling it in the streets. Fact of the matter is, when you get older, you KNOW better than that. It has nothing to do with being a snitch, you realize that you’re worth more than that.

But back on topic, if I’m selling something, I don’t give a shit what your reason is for not giving me enough money. I just see that you’re not giving me enough money. Either give me enough money, or GTFO. I don’t care if your grandmother died. Don’t buy a car then. I didn’t kill her.

Fucking eh.
obo is not a thousand dollars off the asking price.
obo means decent offer close to asking price.
if he wants 4 gs he would have asked for 4 not 5…

for the longest time after seeing so many threads become useless arguments simply by people voicing there opinions and unnecessary remarks… I actually tried to think of a way to resolve them…

It’s possible but definitely not feasible. So, respect to those that read threads like this and choose not to voice there opinion, understanding it would only provide fuel to the fire.

Who brought this thread here and renamed it?

Do you need to ask… (it was me)

What I don’t get is why everyone get’s their knickers in a knot when someone offers way below asking. Just say no and be done with it…?

What’s ever stupider is someone else “defending” the OP who got lowballed… it’s like they took the offer as a personal insult, really, it’s none of your business to begin with, let the OP deal with the response. Depending on how the OP handles the situation it can either make them look professional or like an idiot.

But really, is low balling even an insult? In one way, it might be, but in reality, no, not in my opinion. The person who made the stupid offer was fishing for a deal, that’s all. There’s no implication that the seller is in dire need of the cash, it’s not like the offer was indicating that he seller was poor or desperate. If the seller was desperate and needed the money ASAP, then they might consider the lowball.

Other things to consider when selling a car on a public forum, suck it up… maybe the market value just isn’t there. I’ve been trying to sell my ca18det hatch for a reasonable amount of cash for a few months. I’ve learned that what I want and what the market will bear is very different. I want $500 more then my best offer, sure I’ll compromise and sell it closer to maket value however I need to deal with the idea that i’m out to lunch and adjust accordingly.

Regardless, I think this whole situation was blown out of proportion and was 100% drama. Nitescream doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that get’s easily offended (probably best not to talk about his mom) and I bet, this “lowball” offer slid off his back in a matter of seconds.

my $0.02 for what it’s worth

You’re all a bunch of idiots minus Tony, Richard and Steve.

Skinny, I can understand where you’re coming from because Mark can be harsh online but 95% of the OG’s here and also a large percentage of the newer people know not to take him seriously because his internet keyboard jockey persona is not the real Mark and this is the internet… treat it as such. Also, in the defense of the lowballer - if you say OBO it does not mean what you posted above “offer something close to the asking price” it means Or Best Offer. If you post something for $5000 and I offer you $4000, that is my best offer - you are obligated to either ignore me, tell me no, or tell me yes. What you are not obligated to do is get offended like a little high school bitch.

Blaming a lack of money on a lowball is a silly thing to do, nobody cares why you are offering what you are offering. In most cases, people do exactly what I personally would do which is offer you an amount that the product is worth TO ME PERSONALLY.

Just because your car is worth $5k to you, doesn’t mean it’s worth $5k to me. If I want it for $4k and you haven’t specified that you are firm on the price (a la OBO) then I will offer you $4k and you will suck it up if you don’t like it.

When I bought my STI I paid $1000 over the asking price because it was OBO and that was the best offer the guy had.

When I bought my GTi-R, it was posted for $10,500 and I paid $9000 for it because it was the best offer the guy had.


/end bored at work rant :wink:

ps - I apologize Skinny for writing most of this to you… I got carried away… none of this is personal, I have no idea who you are :smiley:

Entertainment at it’s best :slight_smile:

We all love you Mark!

lol this thread makes me laugh.

I love you too Chris.

Anyways, I admit that I was a little harsh with the guy. Just bored I guess.

:rofl: Way to back peddle on your online macho persona :rofl:

He’s a big soft sentimental type a guy under the macho e-skin!

If you read this thread while continuously pressing this:

this thread becomes a lot more entertaining!

Look what I started.

you’re ruining our family

OLD !!!


Dont you work at quizno’s?

which one by the way? I wouldn’t mind having you make my breakfast
( no mushrooms )

no insults intended
i just dont see why your saying the comment quoted above when to my knowledge you work at quiznos

I own all and you know it


Nope I don’t.

They don’t serve breakfast.

And nope, I don’t work at Quiznos.

Thanks for coming out. :slight_smile: