omg, and i thought son was bad

im going to formally apologize to son for calling them lowballers

this is the offer i got today from a nico member

for my turst td06 turbo kit minus the maniold…

ready for it…

here it comes…

… $500

this person must be on drugs




im not a lowballer 512.99+tax

stop crying about lowballers

anyone that sells a lot of stuff will get lowballed almost anywhere.

i dont understand why people get so upset… just ignore the offers or tell them to fuck off and be done with it

why all the useless drama

(this isnt in direct response to this thread but a general thought)

it annoys me when people send me ridiculously low offers or try to save a buck on an already super cheap produdct

it shows that they have no respect for you or what you’re doing and only think of saving a few pennies.

when you’re already taking a huge loss on something its like dont make it worse by trying to get a few more bucks for fucks sake! haha

so I cuss people out who lowball

Lol this shit is funny people are just testing you obviously if they lowball you they dont really need the part so just tell em you need it pay up or fuck off.


My 1 yr old daughter cries for better reasons than this.

Truely pathetic, just ignore the damn lowball and suck it up like man, jesus.

spd dmn, i post because perhaps shedding light on ballers will deter them

i really dont care if someone low balls, cuz ill fire right back at them, which ive already done in the case of this nico guy
theyre obviously not going to get the part

if this thread bothers you so much, why post at all?

why not let it go like your telling me to do?

this thread doesnt bother me at all

like i just said, what i wrote wasnt a direct response to this but to the lowballer situation in general

i understand why people get upest with lowballers… it -is- disrespectful

but i wouldn’t let it get to me… it’s a waste of time and energy to get emo over getting lowballed…

a free market will always have people trying to get shit for as cheap as they think they can get away with… they dont care about respect they just want the best bottom line

no point in feeling insulted… just tell 'em to fuck off and move on with it

thats all im sayin

nah those people are fags and i like to let them know it

spd dmn, point taken

sasha, good poiht aswell lol

ill find myself in a medium somewhere

i can ignore most situations, but some are just retarded and those people need to know it

$500 USD?

that like, what $479 CAD? woot woot…

my offer is $515 CAD…

but really, what did you tell him? did he get a response?

Nothing wrong with someone trying to save money. Just counter with a ridiculously high price, start a negotiation.

i sent him like a 3 page email on business ettiquete, respect, lowballers, ect ect

just kinda everythign that came to mind

but no sense in counteroffering

i find that about 90% of lowballers dont plan on buying anyways

you never hear from them again after their stupidity