Mars Volta fans?

Anyone? Their new album Octahedron is out. I’m giving it a first listen now and I really like it. More vocal than their past albums, but still keeps that same sound.

7.5/10 so far

I LOVVVEEEEE Mars Volta. I only buy albums from Sonic Boom and I have not been in Seattle for a few days. I will be picking it up today right after work. I have been waiting quite some time for this album and I was not too hot on their last. De Loused is my fav!

yeah, if you liked de loused, you will definitely like this album. Also, I agree 100%

im a big fall of troy fan, i hear their similar?

aren’t they 2 guys form thursday?

link to new album listen?..
checking it out

Check out this track one of my favs although I could only find live on a quick search

I love em… did not know about the new album though. I will have to give this a listen asap.

pretty sure the mars volta evolved from at the drive in

You sir are 100% correct.

One armed scissor!!!

used to play Houston a ton as they are a texan group, sorta the grassroots beginning BUSH had around here. fun group to go see at a small venue, haven’t heard their new stuff as of late, have to check it out.

I fucking love at the drive-in

at the drive-in split into mars volta and sparta

truth. also at the drive in >>>>> mars volta. they lost me at frances the mute. I really enjoyed de-loused though. still listen to in-casino-out all the time

I saw them live a couple years back… great show despite the fact that I have never seen a band so obviously high on drugs take the stage.

UUUUGH I agree but I hate to say it because I am a huge mars volta fan.

Also I give the new album 7/10 it might grow on me more though I only listened to it once while driving and yapping on my phone through some parts. I hated the way it started wtf was that shit.

Jam, check out the new album. Much better than frances the mute imo.

such a great band. new album is great.

Picking this up today now. Thanks for the heads up.

<3 MV & ATDI