At the Drive-in vs. the Mars Volta

Although i enjoy the mars volta, i feel that at the drive in were a better band

I like them both. ATDI is AWESOME. I think they edge out the mars volta a bit.

the Mars Volta: I just think they are a little better at what they do.

The Mars Volta takes it for me.

Here’s my beef

De-Loused is a sick album, but Frances the Mute did not really live up to De-Loused at all. A few really good tracks, but just enough to hold on. For me, Octahedron is GOOD. I like a lot of the songs, and the album itself tells a great story. But still, I keep thinking, they need another De-Loused. That’s what kills it for me. I don’t think they will have another album as good.

LOL i knew that was coming and I agree. I am basing my opinion on the fact that I like De-Loused over any ATDI stuff. However ATDI was great as well and probably would have made oh so many sweet albums if they stayed together.

This is pretty much my thought on the subject. I wasn’t a huge Mars Volta fan but my wife’s obsession with them has slowly started to change that.


at the drive-in!

regular hyper meth heads > hippie meth heads

The Mars Volta has more songs that really wow me, but a lot of songs I dont like at all, but ATDI is more consistent in what I think is many “decent” songs.

My vote went to Mars Volta simply because of Inertiatic esp! Songs just nasty.


little doubt: At The Drive In.