Against Me! vs. Rise Against

Which band that aparently are against things do you prefer? I personally like against me! a lot, and i also think rise against are a bunch of fggts.

sry broz, rise against all the way!!!

rise against

I think they both suck balls, but Im not a fan of the genre in general either.

^^Dig your face out of your own crotch and go listen to some Vanilla Ice

Because I dont like this style of music :uhh: WOW you are a fucking fggt

I voted rise against. I don’t really listen to Against Me! but there are some songs i like.

Ride Against bc they are on Guitar Hero

Not tryin to be a total fggt…but if you dont like either THEN DONT POST…:banghead:


well there was an option for it, but as soon as you two are done, we can discuss the topic at hand.

Wouldn’t have unless if wasn’t an option for it Fggt, OMG the thread isn’t completely about sack riding these shitty bands. why do you insist on defending these weaksauce bands so hard ? people have different tastes.

Rise Against, don’t believe i’ve heard Against Me! though.

Never heard anything by Against Me that got me going. Older Rise Against, however is outstanding, and their newer stuff, while nowhere near as good, is still pretty good in my opinion.

I said Against Me! because I while I’m not a huge fan, I find their stuff catchy. whatever style of punk you would consider Rise Against has always left a bad taste in my mouth for some reason.

and where the hell is Rage Against the Machine on this list? They obviously top the Against category…

edit: and for those who don’t think they’ve heard of Against Me!, listen to “thrash unreal” that was their big hit.

F U. Rise Against bye farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Saw them at edgefest in TO and if it wasnt for STP I would say they were the best band of the night

old rise against > new rise against > against me

I actually really like Rise Against’s Appeal to Reason, it’s been playing over and over on my ipod lately. Entertainment is a solid song, not one of the singles… yet

that album fucking blows, a co worker burned it for me, if you want to hear some good shit go get reinventing axel rose by against me

rise against is hokey as fuck

Sorry, I’d take Rise Against over Against Me any day

rise against by far on this one.