masked magician!

So I guess the question is, who is interested in this and did you watch it last night?

Hes got another series going on where this time he is giving away alot of chris angels magic tricks.

I’ve been waiting for the day someone shut that guy up, Chris Angel is good but it was to over rated and everyone thought he was to real. I cant wait to find the reaction of what he thinks about this.

yesterday they showed how he got cut in half buy the big blade and pulled apart. im guessing chris angel has a shit load of people in on it due to the fact that some of his stunts are done in a remote location, like how people walked in between when chris did the same trick.

yeah, Chris Angels stuff is pretty amazing but, like all magicians, they’re all just great illusions (or shitty/lame in david blanes case).

Sometimes you want to know how they did it, but that takes all the fun out of it imo

hahaha my bro told me that people booed him last trick he did

any vids of this? i always watched him reveal the secrets but i missed it. i like what he does cuz of the bullshyt thats believed from cris angel and david blaine.