Mass mailing list?

How would i go about getting a mass email list for buffalo residents?

Are you practically trying to launch your business via nyspeeds help today…

lol you would think it

I did a mass mail and ran a newspaper ad when I started mine. I got much better results from the News ad and from the yellow pages. Both are worth their costs.

The mailing cost me a ton and returned very minimal results.

Mass mailing of warez??? some old school old stuff??

thanks i may try the paper…

mass mailing only works if you send it to the right people. I’ve done this with political campaigns I have worked with. If you are serious about mailing, you need to talk to an advertising firm. they can give you a real list of potential patrons but it will cost you.

^^ I even did that. We targeted individuals in specific zip codes with specific income. It was for the same business that he is doing. I did it for 5 years.

reverse lookup. go to find neighbors. and then copy and paste them into an excel file.

I made a post about this before. Its a pain in the rear. You can get addresses from companies but they typically cost like a significant amount.