Where to find lists of businesses?

I am looking to get a list of businesses in Buffalo and surrounding areas. We are trying to market to area fabrication businesses and machine shops and I’m having a difficult time finding a good list of businesses in the area. We’ve tried Google, Yahoo, Super pages, Yellow Pages, City of Buffalo website, and the good old phone book. Any suggestions?


Book of lists. Business First Book of Lists


better business beaurough? I know they have listings of businesses that are registered with them.

“beaurough” is that french?


Are you trying to send out work? or bring work in?

We just got a multi million dollar contract… and are outsourcing a fuckton of work… not that we really want to.
But a lot of the shit we have to build doesn’t fit on the machines in the machine shop, haha.
I believe the requirements are a lathe fitting a 79" pipe w/ 48" OD.

The unemployment office has a huge fucking list of all the machine/fabrication shops.
it’s also available online somewhere, forget where.

A year back I printed it out and mapquested a huge route to go visit each one seeking employment ;o
Only made it… maybe 1/4 of the way before I got discouraged, but meh.
found the job im at a couple days later through my dad’s friend, so all is well!

^Machining? Call me. :slight_smile:

Only if you can fit such a pipe ;p

We are looking to bring in work. All types of surface preparation/finishing.