Where to look for engineering jobs?

Obviously the standard searches, i.e. monster, careerbuilder, hotjobs, etc.

Where else would one look? Anybody know of specific companies that are hiring that might not be on there?

Hypothetically of course. :stuck_out_tongue: Buffalo’s the biggest small town in America and I don’t want anybody to blow my snky at my current job.

There is an eng job fair the 18th at UB.

Hey, I’m looking too…

nettemps.com is a good site if you like contracting jobs.

i had to leave buffalo to find one, spent a year in buff. looking and found nothing. Good luck though

Hmm… Philly’s got 5 times the engineering jobs on Monster as Buffalo… I could trade cheese steaks for wings…

We’ll see. I’ve got some leads on a couple of things…

if you’re serious i can give you the name of the job hunting company that found me, they deal strictly with engineers. I still get probably one job offer every month in my email because of how widely they spread my resume. And its free, they get paid by whatever company decides to hire you.

Send it to me please

:wstupid: Send it my way.

i’m pretty sure i have the companies email saved in my address book on my home computer, i’ll get it and PM it to you guys when i get home in about a 1/2 hour

PMs sent

Are you looking for that $160k a year job so you can buy your dream cars?

^If that were the case there would be no need for job searching. I hear there are entry level positions at Attica prison that start at $160k. :tup: Haha I’m just looking for something that’ll make income > outgo to start.

ah, the joy of being raped right out of school :frowning:
(stupid lack of experience)

PM me that job searcher too please :slight_smile:


Yea, I’m just looking for something in the 60K range with good benifits.

if you do head out this way for interviews make sure you’re ready and committed to move if you get an offer. I came down for a thurs. & fri. to interview, had a offer by the following tues. and was preparing to move a week after that.