Best ways to find a job in Buffalo

I am graduating from UB in Decmeber and have 3 years experience as a network technician and doing pc support for UB and Monroe County in Rochester.

I have my resume on Monster and the UB website but it seems that I am getting small contract type jobs doing simple work.

What have you guys found to be the best ways to find local jobs in IT? I know that the best jobs are else where but at the current time I am looking to stay in Buffalo.


You gots to have deee hookups son.


You gots to have deee hookups son.



Make some friends…

I watch the Jobfinder on Buffalonews…Some good jobs pop up for IT from time to time.

Have some also…

Get Out…

Too many UB kids who want to stay here with great qualifications…

You’re not there yet. Everyone in IT in Buffalo has to do time at Localnet. Or so it seems anyway…

Hopefully you did some internships…

you need specialized skills. general IT people are all over the place.

We’re looking for helpdesk

ewwww helpdesk sucks… :frowning:

Its even harder applying for a job across the country when your here.

My advise is to do something specific in IT, and do it well.

Not just “I fix computers”.

I’m teaching myself .net this holiday season.

Lots of the smaller WNY companies who don’t want to pay for a Monster ad use that site.

3 years a network technician doing what exactly?

What’s your degree?

That and putting your resume anywhere isn’t going to net you a job 90% of the time. You need to actively put it in employers hands, not expect them to stumble upon it.


you need specialized skills. general IT people are all over the place.


couldnt agree more…everytime I turn around…Hi i have an IT degree

we were hiring for helpdesk - filled the position already though :frowning:

What are you graduating from UB with, MIS or CSE? From what i’ve seen CSE is a lot harder to do something with…


That and putting your resume anywhere isn’t going to net you a job 90% of the time. You need to actively put it in employers hands, not expect them to stumble upon it.



Networking in this city (or any city) is ultimately what gets you ahead. Learn how to talk to people you know and people you don’t know, see if they can help you without pestering or seeming needy.

If you hear about a job - don’t submit online or via mail. Walk your ass in the front door properly dressed and hand the person responsible for hiring in that position your resume/letter/refs with a firm handshake and a confident introduction.

Ask for the interview, and always be prepared. Do your homework - know about the company and what they do. Ask around beforehand and see if you have any connections that may help you get in the door - you will be surprised at who you might know if you just ask.

Feel free to send me your resume if you want. I am not sure we are hiring right now, but we can keep it on file.


I am graduating from UB in Decmeber and have 3 years experience as a network technician and doing pc support for UB and Monroe County in Rochester.

I have my resume on Monster and the UB website but it seems that I am getting small contract type jobs doing simple work.

What have you guys found to be the best ways to find local jobs in IT? I know that the best jobs are else where but at the current time I am looking to stay in Buffalo.



Headhunters do the trick. If you need a good one, I can hook you up. You might want to get on too.

If I were you, I would redo your resume to emphasize your work on the core/edge infrastructure that you worked on at UB. That goes over with possible employees much better than “I fix computers” crap. If you need help, I’m right around the corner from you in CC.

Oh, and all the other stuff that dozr and walter said :tup:

Thanks for the advice.

I graduate in December with a Management Information Systems degree. My “IT job” niche is Networking and I want to pursue a career in network engineering.

My past experience has been in Rochester as a network technician for 2 years doing a full network hardware updated of the entire county, dealing with vendors to pick a wireless solution and implement it in a bunch of county buildings, and configure, setup, and deploy a hardware and software VPN solution to all the towns.

I have also worked 2 1/2 years at UB in Operational Support Services as a network technician doing network expansion, consulting with departments and users for wireless and network installations including VoIP.

Both jobs dealt with users on a daily basis and included training, working and planning downtime and rollouts, and troubleshooting network issues from the router and firewalls to the user.