What job sites aren't filled with bs spam?

I’m looking for a new job in the IT field.

The best site i’ve found is iambuffaloniagarajobs.com. It seems that monster and careerbuilder especially are filled with nothing but spam job offers to work at home.

Anybody got any other good local sites to find jobs?

Monster is garbage now, i was helping my sister apply for some jobs and every time i fucking hit apply i had to hit no thank you to something.

As far as site in buffalo, I liked hotjobs. All IT jobs are listed under Technology. Good luck in buffalo with beginner IT jobs, thats why I moved.

http://www.net-temps.com/ is nice if you like contract work and don’t mind relocating.


americas job bank is pretty legit.

Thanks everybody. I’m moving to Phoenix in August with my gf, just need a filler job until then with an around 30k a year salary.

ooo Phoenix, nice area. LOTS of growth there too. I hope to move down that way when i graduate. Oh and be ready for some depression, it may appear beautiful at first but you’ll really miss the green green new york

There is still some green in arizona, just depends where you go.

are you willing to relocate?post your resume or pm it to me.

All three of those I get lots of bs spam, etc. But havent found any others

One site is dice.com but that also gets some spam.

yahoo hot jobs…

best bet is going to a newspaper site around AZ where you are moving and get the real ones in classifieds.

Yes in august i’m relocating to phoenix.

I’m not willing to go anywhere else before then.