Talk to me about job prospects.

Right now I work for a company(3rd co-op so I can graduate school) that does government translation contracts etc for the army. This is my 3rd summer here, and pretty positively have a job here come december when I graduate.

Now, being an “IT Guy” I generally sit around all day and surf forums/talk on AIM. If a problem comes up, I go fix it. It generally Involves stupid shit like “hey my monitor is displaying this “no signal” thing” – to which I respond “turn on your computer”. Stupid shit. Not great experience.

Now, I’m in Reston VA. This place is rich as balls, but it has no character. The area isn’t fun, the traffic sucks, the people are generally lame, and housing starts at $500k. Townhouses, a measley $400k. Rent is a minimal $1700/mo without utils. GREAT!

I really miss the buffalo area. Some will rip on me etc, but its true, buffalo has a LOT going for it… except economy. Ask any one of my friends, I never stop talking about how much better it is than DC, Baltimore, or NOVA. All places i’ve spent extensive time in.

I’m looking for your thoughts on the buffalo economy and general job prospects and ability to “climb the ladder” or move around. I also would like somethign that was a little bit more work intensive, as i’m literally gaining zero experience from working here. I could do this shit in highschool i swear to god.

Help me out, give me your ups/downs/likes/dislikes/experiences etc… It’d be greatly appreciated.

Cliffs: Tell me what you like/dislike about buffalo… and if you could do it again would you stay or GTFO.

haha, everyone wants to leave until they actually leave.

Basically to get a job in buffalo, you need to be good at networking. The old boys networks run the city, most jobs never make it to the paper or job finders. Find ways to meet people, and let people know what you do. Ask everyone you know if they know a place that might ever need someone like you.

Job Ladder in Buffalo:

It’s kind of like a step-ladder. You always lose it, and when you do find it it’s always two steps before you realize it’s not much a ladder. And you still can’t reach that pesky lightbulb that burned out years ago.

It’s a good place, but finding a job requires knowing the right people. I’m hoping I could happen to find said people some day.

The job market here is tough, but it can be done. A buddy of mine graduated with a comp sci or some such degree from Fredonia. Worked at Local Net for a while doing telephone tech support and pretty much hating life, then he got in at Praxair and is on his way.

As mentioned, having contacts helps. Buffalo really is the biggest small town in America. Also, for some good advice/reading on job hunting, pick up a copy of “What Color is Your Parachute.”

I just graduated, and am in a similar situation as you.

I would like to stay here but I am having a difficult time finding a job.

Lately I have been thinking about trying to get a job with the government either local/state or fed. that seems to be the thing to do around here…

I also apparently have not met any of the aforementioned people in the old boys network…

What pay range are you looking for lol

who knows… not sure what they’d pay around there. I’d probably make 60-70k here. I’m not sure if the pay is enough to offset the rest though.

Very indecisive. I also have a job offer for a little less in the detroit area. Options are killing me, because they all have good/bad sides. No clear cut “best choice”.

Move to Raleigh or Charlotte with the rest of WNY…

Ive been looking in the area for IT jobs and there are TONS of them

Cost of living there is really nice, housing ranges are pretty much the same as up here, expect taxes are about %50-70 lower.

heanzel, i’ll move to sc with you.

buffalo style pizza and wings ftw!

no you won’t. You’ll never move.

60-70 there = 30 in buffalo

stay away if you can. i would like to move back, but no job market or job security for that matter

have to know the ‘good old boys’

luckily i live with one…and if you want you can count karen too…she’d me more likely to help you.

I fear if I became indebted to k-ron my soul would mysteriously disappear.

SC has buffalo style food? That’s the only thing i really miss about the buffalo area, the food!

it would but i’m fairly sure souls are not necessary when living in the greater buffalo area…

i could talk to my father as well…he won’t take your soul. but brianfenzl would be the person to get you some great job and he too would take your soul as payment.

we’re looking for an IT guy here but i think corporate hires them…

i’ll talk to tom the old IT guy from here he just a better job doing the same stuff…Cliant Solutions is the name of that place…

IT in buffalo really won’t take you very far.

I’m in a similar situation as you, but I live in/around NYC, and it’s just as bad if not worse.

But I have parents to leech off of :slight_smile:

I dunno man, buffalo and IT just don’t go together, you’ll never really advance…

There’s not a huge market for upper level IT work and there are a very large amount of IT people just sitting around waiting for things to open up.

hah, I was waiting for you to chime in Howie.

Its a miserable dilemma, and i’m sure i’ll end up down here… atleast for a year or 2 to gain experience.

As strange as this sounds…

Let’s say you stick around there for a couple years, end up making like 90-100Gs a year.

No matter where you move, you can say, “Hey look, I made 100K a year before. I’ve worked in bigger markets before. Cost of living may not be as much around here but I proved that I deserve a better salary.”

Thats the general thought.