Matco 3 bay toolbox and Hutch

I just figured it was easier to copy and paste a link…Feel free to call me in the posted time, my name is Mike.

have seen in person…very nice toolbox!!! glws rubin

I would potentially be interested. I’ll give you a call. Also I have a 1350 macsimizer if you would be interested in my box and some money.

I really just need to sell this one. The money is going to my Evo this winter :slight_smile:

Holy shit, that is a steal! If i had room for a bigger box, I’d be all over this. Glws. Should go quick

Box is in good shape, very nice peice with lots of room, bump for you.

:facepalm i new this day was gonna come, you spontaneously buy things when you really dont need them lol

Same chest in the race trailer, only yellow. Worth every penny he’s asking and what he’s asking is a deal for sure. GLWS

You should probably have a second one, just in case… :stuck_out_tongue:

Come on someone make me an offer on this thing!

Come on guys!!! Evo needs parts!

trade for engine stand to replace the one you cant find :rofl

I know a couple guys looking for boxes at work. PM me your bottom dollar on it and I’ll show them your link also.


Im just gonna go down to the corner and put my box for sale.

If you really want to sell it, you should print up flyers and go to every shop/dealership on Central ave and pass them out. If you’re there and on craigslist, you’re basically getting to every individual who is interested in buying such a nice box.


unfortunately I work M-F, 7-5. maybe a saturday i could

problem is right now is the slowest time of the year for vehicle repair. Every flat rate tech including myself I know isn’t making jack shit. Combine that with the fact that everybody is getting their x-mas credit card bills now it makes it hard to sell big dollar stuff. If I hadn’t just bought a macsimizer I would have picked this up.

There is so much wrong with this statement. lol