***MAY 1ST Saratoga state park GRILL N CHILL***

Lol, yeah I know

Nah, Jeff was threatened with one though “if he came back again and saw it”.

Park rangers? Or genuine OG Policemen.

Either way, they sound almost as gay, if not gayer, than Siena’s gayurity force.

They actually have more authority than a State Trooper does… :lmao crazy right?

Oh yeah, I forgot how important the environment is to everyone nowadays. ha

Crazy indeed. Should have told them to make like a banana and SHIT!

I wanted to call him rent-a-cop, but I decided to be good and not start shit lol.


he warned a group of us too when we were in front of geoffs 240, at this point i was solocuppin it

That guy was a dink, he was harassing us when we first got there. like we were criminals or something. He should have had his eye on the serial boy rapists next to us sporting their man boobs and pot bellies.

Yeah I liked how he rolled up just after a few of us got there like

“Were not gonna have any problems today are we?”. Really man? Wtf…

yea definitely had a good time…I have good park in mind that wouldn’t attract so much attention, wouldn’t have so many goddammmnnn treeeees and a pavilion with more tables.(same thing that gatville is talking about)

that one dude had a ton of what looked to be stab wounds

had a great time guys! Good job E!

dude, i know, right? there were like 6 cars there and hes just comes in rolling thru the lot looking at the cars super super slow. wth? not like were making noise or doing anything. literally just standing and talking. he has to roll up and let us know hes the “big dawg”, prolly had that shirt on underneath too.

Just got home and will upload pics shortly. I took a whole bunch.

Sounds like what he did to me as I was driving in and he decided to give me shit about the non existent front plate lol…

yea. its bunk. i just had Mike help me make a bracket. its drying. itll be on the car soon. im sick of them harassing me about that shit.

they can live with it… its in the compartment in the back lol… i never got shit about it … then Sat got it form the ST who wrote the tint ticket and from the park cop… FML…

Potato Salad.

nuff said

speaking of, i think theres some left that i wilst be devouring in shortly



















