May 6th CTC Car Show

Yes mon valley ctc is having there anunal car show. new and old cars. May 6th is the day i have to look up the time and let everyone know. To enter it’s only $5 and it goes to a good cause i belie it goes to the kids with cancer this year or something arround the lines of it.

Ysorry double post

As of now, I will be there. A couple of my buddies may come too.

I’d defintely be there, except for the fact that I’ll be in carlisle

i might go, then the next day i leave for the beach :blue:

ill be der

umm u made a double post

I might go there… where is monessan ? I live right next to route 8.

heres the address so anyone can mapquest it

mon valley career & technology center
Speers Indstrl Park, Charleroi, PA 15022. Phone: (724) 489-9581

its 11am to 3pm 5 bucks to register. judging starts at to spectate

yup there website is also
there is refreshmnts, drawings, door prises and trophies. Now the lower half iam gona guess is for the burnouts like the years before.

It is really easy to find. It is right off of the I-70 Speers exit. Oddly enough, I live less than 5 miles from there, but have yet to go to that show, so this year, i’ll be there (if it rains, I’ll bring the wife’s car).

car show is today so come out everyone

I got to work as always. Anyway my car isnt near car show quality