McDonalds drive thru... literally

Well right when I was about to leave work today my aunt called me and said a 1/4 mile from my office someone had driven into McDonalds. When I got there this is what I saw. Sorry for the camera phone pics but I wasn’t prepared. Btw its a Civic incase anyone was curious.


They have pibb at mcdonalds there? wtf?

what McDonalds is this? that’s f’in awesome!


Yeah Mr. Pibb is popular here. It was everywhere in FL too. And yes this is at a mcdonalds in vegas.

pibb aigh aigh :tup:

haha sweet

lol in the city of tonawanda someone ran in to timmy ho’s drive through, not that bad but they hit it going the wrong way rofl

Haha, what the hell. How fast were they going?


lol in the city of tonawanda someone ran in to timmy ho’s drive through, not that bad but they hit it going the wrong way rofl


I saw that on the news last night…crazy stupid people:smash2: