MclarenGP your shits WEAK

you looked like a fool tonight

fix your exhaust, your muffler is hanging on the ground

your car is slower then I thought

you looked like a fool tonight

terrible poem

everything above has been witnessed by me… in the quad 4 he only gained 3 cars lenght on me from a dig to 70. so for a turbz 3.0 lv6 against a 2.4l 4 cylinda.

now he has a muffler he use to have a open down pipe and shoot flames.:ahh

for the amount of money put into that car, he could have had a 12-13 sec honda :rofl

I put 50$ dollars into that:crazy a glasspack and new sway bar links. so finda a 12second honda for 50$ and I’ll buy it!:retardclap

I was talking about mclaren…

word if thats the case its horrible. I dont have much room to talk. Yet!

here it goes smokin ill get to you last… caz your a poser ass bitch how the fuck do you know how much money is in my car clown? Cameo wtf are you talking about dood, i try not to make fun of ya and shit when i see ya cuz your really just a clown and i feel bad for ya but now your just talking way to much shit… and smokin your so dramatic bro… ya seen me big deal ya wanna blow me or somethin?

i just wanna race ya:retardclap

lmao !

cameo u got NO room to talk the first post could totally describe you

b a nz

fix that gas leak yet?

I saw ya enough to know that you came flying at me, trying to spin your tires not going anywhere…got infront of me hardly intime while I was in cruise control wile you were floored, you pulled into a parking lot…I went by and you pulled out and followed me. I saw the whole shit. Let me know a place and time to run.

PS, my girl was laughing at ya;

ps, i laugh at your girl :ninja

why you telling me i was there i know what happend clown… if you had so much to say how come you didnt pull over? i wasnt gonna be a dick but now you gotta run home to the computer and right some bullshit. your just hatin on my shit cuz everyone busts your balls cuz all that money in that ls1 and you still cant hang with real cars so you come down to taunt the slower high 13-14 second cars so you feel baddd ass.

wow. you made sense. proud of you. :thumbup

So youre admitting your car is slow??

my car is slow, and by my car i mean my toyota, and by slow i mean 18 seconds.

:rofl Not you tard