Me 1, Big Red 1

ok so we had a little fun from a dig tonight, first run he took me off the line, but I was slowly realing him in, prob would have taken to 130 or so to catch up and we were only racing 0-100, second race I pulled him off the line and was ahead but he missed 3rd gear. Once my change my oil (break in oil ftl) we are going to have a nice rematch. that is all, good day… :giggedy

You need a legit way of starting. Dave get’s the jump when he “counts 1,2,3” i don’t think that’s very fair.

either way they were good runs, i think with a better driver the Si would pull.

nice mark nice

yeah joe the 1.2.3 thing is a little :gay but w.e it was just for fun I want to see how it is in a few hundred miles when I change my oil and get rid of the stupid break in oi. its runnin this wednesday at lvd so we’ll have a real time for my car soon.

and i get to run it if i go :giggedy

word steve I’m gonna give you a run.

idk if im goin or not i gotta find a job first lol :ponder

go you fuck, I need someone to drive me home because I want to drink since this might be my last time goin before college.

I think mark was ready when I counted, I counted pretty slow. either way it was close

I’ll ride up with you dude. Srsly

and try for a low 15 sec run :banana

well idk i didnt come drink with me last night ill have to think about it maybe ill txt u and let u know ill know by tomorra

then i can take the slow 4 door right joey lol kidding

I was ready, first launch wasnt good, second time I figured it out and pulled ya off the line. it is what it is. I do want to see the difference after i change my oil though.

tempting if steve cant drive me home then you get to ;D

aight dude sweet ;D

Well if i go, and drive your car…i actually have seat time in a similar car and it wouldn’t be a waste of gas going down the track. But hey whatever mang, make sure you let me know because otherwise i’m going to take my car and race/

joe’s gotta very good point there

I’ll let ya know tomoro if steve is gonna be my dd or not dude, I want to see what I run compared to your run, gotta practice launchin it first though tonight was my first time. :lol

im workin tomorrow so hopefully ill have money plus the jeep is gone just waitin for the kid to give me more money

edit: not acctually gone have a downpayment and is sittin for sale on the corner of altamont and a street…

word I only need you to drive to my house then we take my car from there so you wont spend to much $$

lol i know im poor i need a beer

ughh no more alcahol today I got trashed last night, then passed out on the couch, then woke up nice and early this morning so I could drive from schroon lake to work. kill me plz