Me,Willybeen > Psychopjv - Rude Awakening with Nitrous


lol i love u guys but i would beat your ass choko lol

fucking LOL


haha good stuff

Sup bud? :lol: I couldn’t stay out of this one. :rofl:

SHIT WAS WAYYYY FUNNIER IN PERSON… pat was seriously in a 20sec daze after it happened… all i could think of was how proud id make jam when i taped this… :lol: <3



get your car done… and get back soon :(… i m u fbod dudes

soon. soon. early early may seems to be the date

i totally agree with the need for a second blast as i lifted the covers. but nonetheless it wasn’t cool.

oh i was thinking about it, but didnt wanna burn ya :lol:


HAHAHAHAHAHAa i’ve been sigged!!!

:rofl: nice justin

I was gonna do the avatar, but the resolution wasnt to my liking… xoxo, jeremi, please send the avi file to <3

Same here. Maybe Jeremi can get a better quality still from the uncompressed video.

No, you’ve been double-sigged. Justin and I conspired on this one last night. We worked hard on this, trying to find the still with the most terror in your face.

best. sig. ever.

:tdown: to pat not sleeping in a banana hammock