April 15, 2008, 11:46am
Im always called the nitrous whore as i spray everything…
Well i teamed up with willybeen and decided to play a little prank on Pat.
His woman left the door unlocked for me so it went smooth =)
I never sprayed a human but here was my chance. :lol:
I figured i would say bye as im going back to denver so this was his wake up call from me and willy : kiss: hahahaha
i hate you and everything you stand for!!! Tis okay she’ll get hers. Hey Nick where’s our favorite mask?
April 15, 2008, 11:51am
finally, someone else getting rudely awakened on youtube
April 15, 2008, 11:52am
OMG, that absolutely needs to be on YouTube.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BDR5OH got me one time with Nitrous and it actually burned my hand… He then said “I’m sorry Jesse” and then we both laughed for about 20 mins.
Good thing Pat had his boxers on :lol: choko you would of had a surpise… crazy f)&*cker
that was awesome… Pat’s face was priceless
April 15, 2008, 1:18pm
holy shit, it’s aliiiiiive!
HAHAHA and here I thought you meant she left the door open to the Trans Am and you hooked up and activated a nitrous kit on his car without him knowing and he got on it and shit himself
April 15, 2008, 1:34pm
i feel like there should have been a second blast.
April 15, 2008, 1:37pm
^^ I feel like it should have been a 20 second blast.
but funny none the less.
HAHAHAH wtf you shoulda called me for this