Meanwhile in LV426


Looks like a great use of av assets from the 2nd film in the series. A squad base FPS, think Mass Effect but with much more shooting and less talking.

looks very similar to the first aliens game… just by the levels they showed, i remember those scense from the first one

I’m personally sick of the entire Alien franchise and anything related to it.

looks amazing. I can’t wait for that

Looks good I might check it out. I loved the Aliens film but wasn’t the compund on LV-426 destroyed by the faulty processing station going ka-boom?

The Alien Vs Predator etc yea, it sucks big time… Predators wasnt to bad but still meh

I’d like to see them to a very dark remake of the original

Ridley Scott is doing a prequel

Oh rly? Dident see anything on it?

Ahh its under a diff name…

Apparently its no longer going to be an actual prequel to Alien :frowning:

^It’s called “Prometheus” and when Scott was asked if it was a prequel he said “short answer yes but long answer no.”

Ridley Scott is also doing a new Blade Runner movie. Sean Young was hot in the original movie, that is before she went insane and go ape shit…:rofl

Prometheus is more about the ship and dead alien they find in the first Alien movie and less about the xenomorph. It has been said that it will cover the actually true origins of the xenomorphs though