Meat head roll call!

x2. and if my family (since i have no wife or gf) is at stake, I’m not going to fight, its going to be a great deal more serious than that. yea yea blah blah go to jail for the rest of my life, yea whatever. i’d rather be in jail knowing i (hopefully just almost) killed someone that was trying to fuck up someone in my family, then free knowing i let them get fucked up.

fightings just gay, no matter what, all the time. unless str8 up attacked, there is no reason to hit someone.

lmao lmao rofl


Truth. I’ve been in one and that was after a kid hit me twice and I brushed it off. The third time I fought back.

ive never been in a real fight. couple on the ice, but no punches thrown, just grappling and trying to rip the other guys helmet off.

but lockerboxing is FTW. (for those that dont know you wear hockey/lacrosse helmet and gloves and beat the shit out of each other.)

been in a few fights. I never made contact first, but usually am the first to throw a punch.

for example, words got thrown around and a kid spat in my face. I followed through with a punch and it was over.

another time a 40 somthing year old guy was yelling at me and I wanted to part so i walked away, he pushed me from behind then again into a wall. i followed suit with one punch right in his temple. end of that.

I don’t see my self as strong or big and by no means a fighter, I hate fights but if I need to defend my self I usually go for what ever will win, like a nice placed punch to nose/eye socket/temple.
and then I get out of there.

I fight more than I want to, but not often in public :wink:

cmon jam dont forget about the time we had an altercation at bullfeathers… :bloated:

Lost a few in high school, I’ll usually walk away however. Don’t disrespect/hit girls in front of me, or if I know about it don’t come around me.

Somehow i’ve learned how to hit extremely hard…
I’ll leave it at that

Hitting girls is wrong…unless she is begging for a new car and you pay the car payments…then by all means smack her

I in general hate fighting and do everything posible to avoid it. Last fight I was in I was overseas. Fucking Gypsies. Its funny In the Movie fightclub, Brad Pit asked “How can you know yoursellf if you have never been in a fight?” True that for sure. First Fight was in ninth grade. I fucked a kid up and stuffed him in a garbage can (think buffalo roll out garbage cans). Got jumped a few times after that with a buddy. Speaker boxes are a great help but swinging an empty 12" enclosure around makes it hard as hell to run. So ya I got my ass handed to me a few times. A couple of sports related brawls are comming to mind, and a legendary fight In the bathroom at Cesars(Strip club in Toronto, I believe its closed down now). Hmm thats about all I can recall at the moment.

Bing Crazy ass story by the way.

Ill pick you up in my Ferrari and we can go to my cousins strip club in montreal and exchange s13 parts. lol jk

Dam dude, plain crazy though.