Muay Thai or Krav Maga

I just got down here and was going to get back into muay thai, but after seeing the human weapon and the episode on krav maga i may want to get into that… anyone have any experience or know of someone that does with krav maga?

theres both training down here.

krav maga…no idea

i know micah does muay thai.

you guys can fight each other when ur here in a 2 weeks

What are you trying to obtain out of this then i will give my advice. As in do you plan to compete in organized events? Just for fun? Etc.

compete in the future
self defense
get back in shape
learn a new fighting/self defense style

krav maga is much better in imo but I have not got into muay thai too much but i have a few friends that are

I dont know too much about either but for anyone looking to actually get into a ring just make sure it teaches good holds, chokes, and pratices striking. I know this might sound silly as this is what all martial arts should be but trust me look close at what exactley they will teach you. Unless its more just for fun and to just be in shape. I bout one day a week(full contact) this is THE BEST way to get up on striking and blocking IMO. Formal instruction/drills will help alot with anyhting on the ground/holds/chokes. Alot of martial arts has too much focus on throws and defensive maneuvers. I have encountered many in the ring that had absolurtley no offensive technique but were very competent once i got into them. Bt this isnt going to fly as a good fighter will just see the weakspots and dominate your Newb ass. I practice BJJ with a very unorthadox boxing striking style. Want to fight?

I wouldnt say it is much better then if you dont really know. Cause i would say the opposite but for the same reason only because im not familiar with it. Thats why i tried to give a what he should look for post instead of picking one.

There is no “competition” for Krav maga so if that is one of your goals, Muay thai is your only option.

Skip Krav Maga. Learn muay thai and then go with a judo system or a separate grappling system. Krav Maga is not what you are looking for.

see ive always been a defensive and ground fighter. i liked muay thai for the reason that if something did break out and you had to defend yourself that you didnt HAVE to take it to the ground.

but after watching the krav maga, i really like the style of having no style… but then again for getting in the ring, how will it help me if i want to compete later

ive done muay thai and bjj for awhile, i just wondered for something new

I’ve done both…:wiggle:

Both are great for a street/bar fight/self defense. But, Krav Maga shows you how to REALLY hurt someone so the will not get back up. BUT, its a lot more technical that throwing punches, knees, kicks, bows, knees, ect. Krav Maga is take downs, disabling, and even killing, esp with weapon training.
Mauy Thai is great for cardo, its almost 95% cardio (along with the training) Krav Maga is a bit less cardo unless you get a good gym that will beat the shit out of you for a warm up in the beginning. After awhile they have drills where they will have numerous opponents come at you one after another. But, then again we did that in kickboxing as well.

So, Krav Maga=REAL self defense
Mauy Thai=OH snap, you see me knock that guy out.


see thats what im more looking for… REAL self defense… im more likely to be in a situation where something breaks out in front of me or getting jumped down town… those are real situations to me.

i may be able to do both… i just found out that lackland afb teaches KM, and it may be free or even bout 5 bucks a class, they train only 2 nights a week which would be good cause i wanted to take muay thai on mon wed fri

It is nice to know how to fight well standing up but its silly as you will do the most damage on the ground for sure. Especially in a bar/street fight(these are lame and i do not support it but it can happen) I probably wouldnt bother fighting standing up at all any luck punk can throw a good one that might land. But on the groung if they dont know what they are doign then you will PWN fo sho. Also from any bout ive had on the ground much more often decides the fight. But with amatuers such as myself you do see alot more standup. Usually because one of the guys isnt comfortable on the ground so they will avoid it at all costs.

You want to train 5 days a week?! I hope your gym does ‘easy’ days once in a while, lol. Good luck.

for what ur lookin for i think krav maga is what u want, u could still compete in MMA though, and if u think that style will make u a winner, then thats ur best bet IMO

Cross collar choke FTW here you can look at their face/eyes as they pass out quite a good time. Rear neck and choke for teh sneak attacks hahah and it looks sweet so +10 baller points when completed. As far as if you are looking to defend yourself standing i think the best thing for that is just being used to the situation so spar as often as possible.

Holy balls i just realized this as well. Dude man bro calm tiger inside of flaming spirits hahah. If you want to train 5 days a week i would have 2 of MMA(whatever you pick) then 3 of weights/cardio. Alot of people overlook the importance of power and endurance for some reason.

Ok im goin to the gym right now to work on my(looks great naked pose) be back in an hour. Laterz

Wow 18 posts and no Chris Rock references? :stuck_out_tongue: Just get a gun.

I was asking about this on here a while ago. Unfortunately I’m a busy/lazy bastard and ultimately did nothing. However, the impression I got was that Krav Maga was more “here’s how to dead someone else when they try to dead you” and Muay Tai was more of an exercise/sport.

Granted they’ll both give you a workout and they’ll both teach you self defense, but that was what the difference seemed to be.

Here, Micah & friends gave me some good info:



i’ll ref