Martial arts anyone?

Anybody here take some sort of martial arts? I was looking into 3 kinds,karate,jujitsu or kick boxing. Not sure what i would prefere due to the fact that they are total dif ways. I was leaning more towards kickboxing though. Any input? I have friends that are 2nd,3rd and 6th degree black belt and one fights all over the US,so i have been showed shit here and there but not really sure if i like that more.

my ex takes taekwondo and would beat my ass. she likes it tho

eh…that is more of a defensive art though,i want more of a offensive.

my vote is for jujitsu,its ground fighting and usually most of the fights end up on the ground.
karate is good if your fighting some redneck that likes to throw haymakers all day but if you run across someone that knows a little bit of some your gonna have a little bit of trouble, especially if it goes to the ground.
kick boking sorta the same thing.
take something that has MMA(mixed martial arts) that way your not gonna be one sided, learn to fight standing up and on the ground.
check out

wrestling would be the best offensive, most practical and the only way to win a street fight unless you have ko power

i know moves from jujitsu htough,my buddy was a black belt and he tried everything on me and i always countered and got out of it. I am pretty sure i could have knock out power as well. I know pressure points,moves and have knocked out a few wit hthe sleeper hold.

im all about chokin people out and “getting legs in” best way i have won fuckin around with friends and shit. :stick:

I have taken all 3 (brown belt in Judo) and would rank them this way:

  1. Jujitsu
  2. Kickboxing - I took some muy thai lessons. Fun, but I wasn’t very good at it.
  3. Karate - I’ve taken some Tae Kwon Do from 2 different schools.

Don’t know where you live, but Pennsylvania Karate Academy in McMurray is pretty good. They are a blended system. You learn Kenpo karate, Muy Thai, Jujitsu, and some Kali stick fighing.

I took shotojitsu for three yrs. a couple of years back. Its a mix between shotokan karate and jujitsu. I’ve never gotten into a fight, but I’ve come close.

I’d have to agree with what was posted above and find something that is mixed because you never know what you might have to do. Its better to be well rounded than to just be offensive.

i think its offensive geared…

akidio is more of a defensive art

taekwondo is just too much kicking for me…

i prefer kung fu style arts over taekwondo… like a Wing Chun or something similar.
prefer thai boxing over regular kickboxing.

jeet kune do > *
free from any style or form

ya, i wasnt really recommending it, i was just saying it can be efective. it is all crazy w/ kicks and stuff but shes a girl, so she just does it for fun / stay in shape…its not like shes probly ever gonna get into a fight outside of competitions or whatever. for devin, i’d take some of these other guys’ advice.

Well i am a pretty good ground fighter as well as power fighting so i am good in all areas i suppose,but i just want mroe of an edge and take it further with a form of art of somekind,i have long legs that could be good for kick boxing and long arms that could be good for anything as well,so all in all it is a toss up,we have about 4 karate places around here so i’l look into them first to see what all they entail.

i studied the fine arts of:


you post some interesting shit… seriously…


I took 6 years of tae kwon do at diamond TKD in mount pleasant, which i thought was good at the time. Then once I started learning MMA systems with Eric, i realize karate only works on other people that use karate, or haymaker throwers. It was good to learn some kicks, and work on leg speed and strength. Also we did nothing but stretch for 30 mins each class. It wasnt very good for offensive techniques, as TKD is more taught as a self defense class.

My advice would be to check out the pgh fight club gym that Eric posted earlier, the guys has worked and trained with some of the best fighters in the world. Or a friend of ours may be opening his own gym soon in the greensburg area, he’s the guy I’ve been learning off of.

Taking it to the ground is definitely where its at, even against wrestlers. Most of the time wrestlers shoot in with the heads exposed, or will get you to the ground and simply just try to get you on your back and then have no clue how to finish you off. This is where learning the jujitsu/MMA techniques come in handy in the guard position. A lot of wrestlers have never been submitted when they have their oppenent on their back because they werent trained that way. Then they get slapped in an arm-bar or triangle choke and have no idea what hit them.

Nothing against wrestlers, as they usually make the best FCF/MMA fighters once they start learning jujitsu… for example Matt Hughes.

i would say jujitzu is the best for 1 on 1 fighting. but u also need to know how to strike( just ask royce gracie) but jujitzu sucks if u get into a bar fight or a uneven fight. the last place u want to be is on your back in a bar fight.

Both have true statements,thats y i like to be good(not great) at both standing and ground. Ground usually isn,t a prob for me but i could always learn more and same with standing. I,m more of a power hitter and good defense,get me on the ground and it’s even mroe or less. Thats y i am considering Kick boxing MMA for this, i have alot to learn in that field and i have buddy;s to teach me karate as stated b4. So all in all it iwll be a lil more MMA than anything.

Devin you should just become a ballerina. Think of the female potential

This is true…i would a lover, not a fighter then:idb: