Meat head roll call!


not him directly i dont want a third gen and a cow

age 12 - kid hit me with a brick so I took the brick and bashed his head in
I got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, but everything was dropped 6 months later

age 18 - big guy choked me at the bar because I was talking to his girl, so I hit him with a couple bottles over the head and kicked him in the face when he was down. Then I went to my dorm.

age 21 - Kid owed me money and told me to fuck off, then swung at me. I then bashed his face off the pavement and got arrested for felony assault because I broke some bones in his face. Everything got dropped and I’m still friends with the kid.

Those are my “one on one” fights.

I’ve been in plenty of brawls too.

But all in all, fighting is stupid. Cost me a lot of money to have a clean record.

nope, never. cant say that i have.

kidding. if you can call fighting with your brother a fight, ive been in a fight every day from age 8 through 18. and this shit, i cought a beer bottle to the face in a brawl last summer

zing. all in all though, im a huge pussy. seriously, im not tough at all

Me fight? Never happened.

Sept 8th DT between chippewa and bucking blo on the sidewalk. Guy grabbed my girls ass and my buddy pushed him. next thing u know its me and a buddy vs 3 kids. Some how we won by alot. Kids get up all bloody and leave. Were laughing because we dont have a single mark on us and we were out numbered and rocked them. as were are still lol’n a min later they come back with 2 more buddies. now its 5 on 2. Uhh yeahh we got the fuck beat outta us lol. i got piss punded on the hood of a car by 3 dudes and i loved every second of it.

thats the most recent. Ive been in a good 45-50 fights in my life. 17 in a half year of school in 7th grade. Then they kicked me out. im getting sick of it all too

^ lol NICE :tup:. That one had to have felt good. I have broken caritlage in my jaw froma fight and the cartilage in my nose flaps to the side. if I push the right side of the tip of my nose my nose will go flat like shutting a door lol.

last one i was in was in 10th grade

there’s about a million better ways to handle a situation than fighting

yeah…well im a well built kid with nothing to lose cept my dogs. Which one would you like? The one that never shuts the fuck up, or the one that shits on the floor :P…BTW, I never said I would beat you up…all I said was I am surprised the fact that you run your mouth like an idiot hasn’t gotten you into more trouble. Besides, shit splatters. I don’t want to hit you and stain my cloths.

And how do you figure I have a cow? I work on a farm not own one…dumbass.

I’m not allowed to talk about it.

Not since school,even those fights were just push & shove type shit.


LOL @ brian. dude u were always so chill when we used to hang out. Cant blame ya for wanting to kill them kids tho, no respect for other people or other peoples gfs.

Me in a fight…Nah, I don’t like confrontation;)

Are you joking?? :lol:

brian chill? :lol:

I always knew you were a pacifist. :slight_smile:

lol @ this thread.

fighting, in general, is ghey. certain times it is called for, but if you are getting in multiple fights per year, you are either putting yourself in horrible environments time after time, or you are looking for it. either way, that makes you stupid (see repeatedly touching hot stove theory), or a troubled person (someone who gets off on hurting people to prove superiority).

fighting once or twice in self defense or to defend gf/fiance/wife is understandable. thats why i said in general.



Frost12580 usually drags me away from situations before I get into fights. Thanks buddy.

I drive an f-body.

were you outside a gas station with a truckload of coke ?