Meat head roll call!

i didn’t read the entire story, but is that the one where the dude tried to rob him for parts?

Used to box, and kickbox during college back in 01-02, that was a ton of fun but never got involved in any matches, just for fun. and never got into a real one on one, last altercation was back in high school, kid was picking on me for like 2 weeks staight, got fed up and laid him out, never got picked on again haha.

Fighting is stupid and pointless. So many people put themselves in retarded situations that just ask for trouble. I’ve met a bunch of people that just deserve to get destroyed but its not worth my time or hassle, they wonder why they will/are going nowhere in life.


Short people and alcohol don’t mix.
None of my drinking buddies are short (by choice).
All you little guys get huge beer muscles when you drink.
I got tired of breaking up fights with short, drunk, friends.:biglaugh:

Did Violator post in here?

lol… you think this is dumb ? What about that thread the other day that the idiot posted about having the cops go ask for his last check. Now that was a stupid thread!

btw, did you get your check yet ???


lol I was at the flea market yesterday with a friend of mine… the guy is by no means small. 6’2", 250lbs… not fat.

as we were walking out, some skinny ass wanna be thug with a flat brim hat wanted to prove something as he was walking in I guess and decided to try and “arm/shoulder check” my friend, instead of just watching out where he was going/acting like a normal human being and moving out of the way. (instigating a fight or something?.. reminded me of the BS people would pull in H.S.)

I wish I would of got it on film… the little fucker bounced like 5 feet to the left and immediately grabbed his arm and said “ouch”. I was loling for a few.

trash :tdown:

i had some fights back when i was younger which i won, i prefer not to fight and will talk my way out of it or have friends handle it for me, most of my friends are all the southpark thug kids so if someone messes with or trys fighting me i usually talk my way out of it or they figure out if they fight me win or lose they will get pounded by my friends. but ive gotten beat up once, when at kaz carnival me and 3 friends were going over by the creek to drink some and we noticed a group of about 15 or so black kids who were following us, so we stopped and basically the one kid had me confused for someone else and snuffed me from behind while his buddies held my 3 friends back, some swelling and a cut healed fully in 3 days or so ooo and later that day the kid aplogized when his friends werent around, so we made it eve nby my buddies holding him and me gettign a nice hit on him, now i have a nice black friend who has my back whenever and will fight anytime lol

when you were younger :lol: you’re 17

I remember feeling pretty old at 17, with the “Man, I’m almost 18!” mentality

well 8th grade i got in a few at school which i won kid hit me from behind i grabbed him by his neck and pounded his head then put him on the ground and pouded some more

congrats :tup:

“Ever got into a fight”

Yes, one too many

Edit: unless i really have to or one of my friends are in trouble

yeah,. but thought it was topical here.

he pretended to be a customer just to meet me…

But his motive was the parts or something else?

f it, i’ll just read the story

[quote=JUICEDSS;801474]lol… you think this is dumb ? What about that thread the other day that the idiot posted about having the cops go ask for his last check. Now that was a stupid thread!
quit no time to edit

my brain hurts :gtfo:

Yeah unless it is the absolute last resort or someone tries to do something to one of my friend/family members that is unprovoked…I steer clear of situations in which fists may start flying. I will admit, I LOVE to fight, but its not worth it. As a kid you can get away with it. As an adult however, the repercussions are not worth it. If someone is getting me pissed off to the point where I want to ebat them down, I’ll just walk away and avoid the conflict if possible. I know I can handle myself, I know how tough I am, and have nothing to prove to anyone by getting into a brawl just to prove something.

Nitroinsane…I am surprised your mouth hasn’t gotten your ass handed you you multiple times lol.

iam a fat kid with nothing to lose hit me and ill be rich