Meat head roll call!

this is how i fight

hell yea joe.

zidane power up.

a few… mainly back in school, but some that were more recent. I try to avoid them… especially in this day and age with sue happy America and wanna be thugz that could be holding a knife or gun.

just not worth it… but sometimes there is no other choice

oh, ive had my ass kicked a time or two. won’t lie about it.

Just further proves that it is NO good means to resolution.

Nomatter how big / fast / strong / chuck norris you are, there is always someone out there that can kick your ass.

When I was younger I got jumped twice ( I guess you can’t insult EVERYONE and think you can walk away from it ) but other than that I’ve only been apart of some brawls.

this thread is dumb. i wish parody threads wernt banned

If you consider 15 vs 1 and 5 vs 1 a fight, then yes, multiple.

However my general demeanor squashes beef before it happens between friends, but some altercations have arose where I needed to strike with a little thunder, and lightning.

Come to think about it, I get into fights a couple times a week. Last monday I arm-bar’d this kid in about 2 minutes. :slight_smile:

have you even gotten on a flight?

Word I’ve flown probably about 15x. Some had layovers, some didn’t.

havent been in to many fights i punched a kid out like the last day of kenton. i am sure one day my moulth will get someone heated i am still waiting though

have you ever gotten in a …tight rope contest

I was going to say I have too much to lose to fight anyone.

ever gotten a kite?

same here :slight_smile:

zong you look like one of those kids who gets his ass kicked alot ha:rx3:


2 notable ones, i would say i am 1-0-1

one definate win, one i had more scrapes and bruises but i ended the fight with a nice head-and-arm toss and the guy had 14 of his buddies there so i wasnt about to hit him on the ground.

Violence solves alot more problems than people give credit for. And seriously, there MUST be things in your life worth fighting (literally) for. If you havent been in a fight then you just havent ever had one of those things compromised.

As for the reprecussions of a fight: the guy i beat (incredible story actually) stalked me…story here:

and i have a feeling it isnt over.

I don’t get my ass kicked alot because I don’t go out and brawl like all these streetfighters in this thread :lol: When I used to like fighting I didn’t get my ass kicked alot either.

For the idiots that enjoy fighting so much, join a gym and take your aggression out there. Or have fun getting arrested/sued/in a hospital/combo of all three.

i avoid fights at all costs, but i m 100% ready to defend myself when i really need to… i always think about my surroundings anywhere i am, i’m a lot more aware, and know what i could use to my advantage if something happened… its a very pure mental state that keeps me prepared and confident.

<<<I stand clear of a fight because i can tell you i would get my ass whooped i just like to have freinds that will have my back lol…I usually never have any trouble with anyone but i guess people like to pick on the smallest one in the bar…so when i go out i like to have backup because i dont fight and i dont want to because its pointless. if that makes any sense…

bing didn’t you make a thread about that a while back ? Crazy shit man