NYSpeed fight club!

any call outs? i say we get some gloves and have some fun.

over what

they were gonna do it just for shits? or was there some drama involved. Hard to believe anyone would be legitimately mad at carl…

Nah. Not at a specific time. I heard he was looking to “kick my ass”

Its over. I dont care, and I doubt he does either. It was straightened out via PM.

edit: FWIW, I would never fight someone because of the internet. To become licensed in my field, I need a clean record. I would never waste that on something as meaningless as this…

edit: excellent edit

^ good thinking.

lol at edit #2

haha i put carl on the spot


i’m calling out all of you.

Rule 1…

you can only post about it. but never speak aloud of it.

I’ll fight anyone near my size in a wrestling match, highschool/college rules. I’m not about to do a boxing match though, i’d get nuked.


would trained boxers be allowed?

This would actually be a fantastic idea if combined martial arts clubs didn’t exist at UB already.

Some one is gonna be missing an eye.

I’m in. Call me out

i want to fight dawn.

oh. if we can grapple i’m in. i’ll stand up until i get hit in the face a couple times, then i’d rather fight on the ground :frowning:

5’11" 175

edit: i realize this thread was made and edited for different reasons, but still. lol.

can i bring my gun ?

someone will def be getting hurt

i’m in. i’ll fight over anything.

it’s all in good fun you know…

you want fight club, its called fumbly wumbly at the mansion during football season