Meets In West Seneca

i saw some cars ripping out of there a few saturday nights ago. not smart. not :snky: FYI: that is not gonna be a good spot to go to in the future, that is all I can say.

Do these Meets have to be on a Main rd?

yeah thats the crew we dont want at sg.

unfortunetly my car is gone untill spring :confused: :tdown:

the police used to stop all the time, but never really kicked us out.

and chris idk wat your talking about, my clutch is just a little touchy sometimes :wink:

:word: up…even though Southgate’s right on Union, the cops never bothered us. The one cop, Vogel I think, stops to shoot the shit with us when we used to be there all the time lol.

i kind of got turned off of southgate when i pulled up in my SHO and some kids were like. it seems like the people that han out there are like 15-16 with 14yrold girls. WTF

Still haven’t mentioned what you drive.

it used to be better, but like random ppl or friends of friends starting hsowing up to hang out, because they thought it was the “cool” thing to do in ws…not having any knowledge or appreciation for cars, and thats what killed it, but there werent many times like that this summer

good. stay there.

yea this year was pretty lame. alot of people i had no clue about where there that were in their parents suv’s and had 16yo gf’s lol

two summers ago > *
we used to chill their til 4am some nights, it was pretty fun