Meets In West Seneca

soooooo, whats the word on the meet? i can be there around 10:30…we could chill and all cruise up to mighty to meet up with the northtowns peepes?

Have fun in the rain.

yea if its going to rain were not going to go but if it doesnt rain were going to southgate on union.

im with focusinprogress on this one


almost all of the west seneca crew has ben meeting at sg for like 2years now…

as long as you dont asshat around the police have no problem with u being there

we need to fire up the old southgate meets again before the snow falls. its been dead since july.

^^ hell yea i only caught like 2 of them, and no one would talk to me. i guess the focus is just :gay:

southgate on satnight 1030pm

there is prolly gona be ppl at sg 2nite as long as weather is nice

ill pull out of my driveway and drive a whole 600 feet to check if anybody is there tonight :slight_smile:



eh i heard the Kmart meets are a bunch of the twizted iMaGes yo kids. sounds pretty lame, i saw a few civics “street racing” by me the one night and pull in there. I just assumed it was a bunch of HS kids…

SG seems to be dead now, pelow and bill are pussy whipped, but people still show up once in a while though…

^^^ hey stfu my cars been broke id be happy to meet up at sg as long as some punks dont come and ass hat around and fuck it up for the rest of us

also i dont think a non sg local should be calling meets at sg ne way, but hell sg meet tonight whos down 10pm ill be there

Sry, to far of a Bike ride for me! :hay:

doriffffttttoooooo :wink:

southgate is basicly the uncle bens parking lot from 9pm on when we’re all up n running… sad to say i havent been and a few others are out of the game right now too

So did this meet ever go down???

i drove by about 12:15 and didnt see anyone there. except focusinprogress on east&west on his way home

yea there were probably 8-10 cars there tonight @ 1030ish

everyone had gone to the tops and kmart plaza.