2011 Tops/Kmart Meet

This is the meet thread for the Tops/Kmart thread on Ridge Road, meets start at about 9:30, sansone, myself or jt76 usually get these meets going when its nice out, we just had one tonight and it was a good turn out alot of nice cars and no siqqqqq WOT pulls got us in trouble…

Is Southgate dead? I was by there the other night and there were 3 cars there.

They’re having issues with cops/parking lot security

It’s dead

Drove by a week ago and it SG was packed. Probably around 25 cars.

and now its dead :frowning: someone in a camero was doing siqqqq WOT pulls and they called the cops from what i heard, so this is the new meet spot and it was packed last night atleast 15 cars

Where is this?

[map]42.832301, -78.784593[/map]

thanks pirite, you should crusie with me and my roomate over since your in cheektowaga too were off geo urban…

oh wow, i never even noticed you were in cheektowaga.
im right by harlem and genesee.

you serious, were on the conner of midland and northern parkway, how come i never see your car?

holy shit. i cut down midland all the time lol.
i respond to your question with this: how come i never see your car? lol
dude shoot me a pm to keep this thread cleaned up and we can figure out something soon.

any one planing on goin tonight

probably not but if there is a good amount of people i will come

It’s raining out

no dice tonight, friday night is a go if its nice out, wanna see 30+ cars there haha

i may have the stang out cruizin…its been too long

friday be there or be square, 9-9:30 is the time frame

just bring her with u 4life i brought my girl the other day quit being a quur


any one gonna go tonight