Meets In West Seneca

Anyone who knows where the tops and K-mart plaza is in west seneca. We will be meeting there on thursday september 28 2006. Tell everyone that has a somewhat decent car to show up around 8:00-???. :noob:

waht kind of car do u have…and here at NYSpeed…we dont singel out only the cool cars to goto meets…cause if we did I would be the only one to be allowed to go to them…J/K…meets are for all

annnnnd what do you drive?

92’ Plymouth Laser, (HAD) 77’ 280z

edit: and this question coming from a forum vet and a mod

a 350z Skyline DUH

because people never lie in their profiles right? :wink:

frig, im workin down the road at wilson farms till 10, ill swing by and see if anyone is still out there, that or a crew of NYspeeder’s at work would rock lol anyone passing by on there way come say hi, ill be filling the shelfs

i don’t care who shows up just come if your in the area.

its gonna rain.

I’m not fast and furious enough to meet up :frowning:

what kinda car do you drive…i live in west seneca and know the cars here

kmart plaza and tops plaza are two different places, if your talking about french and transit…

Go to Kmart… get some starbucks, be good local citizen and patronize the businesses

Northwood?? Go some place where there is at least the ILLUSION you are doing something normal… like eating somewhere, or getting drinks at Yings… lurking in Elementary school parking lots… kinda :snky:

goto K-mart…its like 5 min from my house

^ i wanna meet this cat, so stay past 10 lol

k mart on ocrahrd park rd, or southgate plaza are the best spots been to both for a copule meets many times

you want to meet an an elementary school?!?!?!?!

exactly …south gate or kmart would be even better, more secluded away from cops

southgate for the win.

Garden Village Plaza…there a dollar general there…thats it

I voted for the elementary school because cops won’t come and kick you out within 5 minutes! :smash2: