Megan Racing Coilovers

just saw this and want you guys to see it. i know some people would be interested

EDIT: I saw a review on about them so you can go there for info.

More than D2s. Hopefully better.

if you check ebay you will see that the D2 pricing is going up.

D2’s go for about $1700 AUD and the australian dollar is equal to the canadian dollar. they have been that price since before we did our group buys for under $1000 CDN a set.

the Megans feel better in your hand, but no one has them on out there just yet.

if you want the Megans i can honour the same price as Varun (slipperysilvia)…

i have some pics of S14 Megans in my gallery on SON.

the Megans “seem” to have better build quality, nicely welded steel instead of CNC machined Aluminum hardware, but they are also alot heavier

Varun, didn’t say CDN or USD.

its CDN

$1200 cdn + shipping to you boys out west.