member/car list?

is there a way to put what car the person has next to/ under their name in the ‘member list’ section? like if i see a car on the road and i wanna see who it was i could look for what ever member owns that car? i dunno just a though

or heres a better idea: come out to meets, and meet people. dont be a creeper

+1 More people know my car from my sig then know who I am. Its f#ckin weird!

with the way people switch cars around here that probably wouldnt work anyway.

i kinda want everyone to put a small pic of their car in their sig

how about…nooooo:retardclap

More reasons then you think that make this a bad idea, think about it, people admit to certain things, and then you want thave the info for there car right next to there claim. Might as well jus go do stupid shit in ffront of cops.


lock 1

Lock 2

95 Corolla, wave if you see me

Lock 3, Ban 1.

I know you, your that fag with a WS6

I kid I kid