members and the abuse of the right to be a normal, rational human being.

im sick and tired of the BULLSHIT going on with the members on this site. certain ones in particular who fail at any and every aspect of life, and watch children at public fucking playgrounds. SOMEONE needs to keep them on a shorter fucking leash. allowing them to run rampant and fail/suck/say awkward unfunny things at will is getting utterly ridiculous. a closely monitored system of bans by BENNYFIZZLE is needed.

and just so we’re clear…



Had to make it work :rofl

I think you need to check y0 self if someone of Beanie’s value calls you trash. :ahh

Yeah I should totally move to manhattan and tell everyone about how much money I spend instead, EPITOME OF CLASS :thumbup

  1. I don’t live in Manhattan
  2. I don’t tell anyone what I spend
  3. Don’t hate because you live in a ticket booth
  1. Whatever
  2. Arguable, you e-ball like anyone else would. I know I try to.
  3. It pays the bills, so what’s the big deal? At least I’m not living on the system, going to school (on your dime mind you :p), and have rationale enough to hold a steady job, pay my bills, and go to school.

Point of the story, mind your business.

  1. I speak the truth
  2. Sorry it comes off that way. I have no intention of impressing the 99.9^10000 male population on this forum
  3. It was a joke like the previous one that spawned your buttaches.

I’m cranky because I’m tired. Maybe I should play some Forza.

I am glad you were able to take it out on me.

sorry :frowning:


So am I for the booth joke. :slight_smile:


ok good were friends again now

Singh where is your short leash? I’m out of control.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

  • r3p

i will allow this thread.

Mills lane approves

“Let’s get it on”