im baaack.... again.

yep. im back. again. is manbearpig still frequenting the site? been a month since ive been here. eh whatever. i see the regular idiocy is still occurring…

nothings changed

Not to worry, the forum still blows.

its blown for ~2 yrs now. the site lost all redeeming quality when people stopped giving a fuck… which coincided with srping/summer 08’…

Where did you go?

i got da banxorz from oppie… he apparently thought my picture posting abilities should be revoked for a while effective 12/24… ill let you look into it deeper if you must know. it was bullshit to begin with but whatever.

apparently its ok for people to start 2-3-4 threads bashing me but the second i reply to said thread i get banned because of cocksucker mods with an agenda. whatever. (not calling oppie a cocksucker…referring to others who shall remain nameless cough cough benny cough cough)

meh. maybe this will make things less boring aound here at least

Why did you come back after the ban? Nobody missed you.

ohh but ive missed you!.. with every bullet so far.

yes it is ok for people to start threads about you because, like everyone has said 1 million times, you deserve it. When you stop acting like a deusch you will find that people have no need to post shit about you.

oh and I was fine with you not being around

missed you too cupcake.:hug

Then why do you come back? Obviously you think the site is stupid…and the site thinks your stupid. Seems all even…now GTFO.

Dude, didn’t you post a HUGE thread on how you realized you were a dickhead and were changing your life around etc. I and a few others wished you well on your endeavor. It appears, and I have quoted so you can re-read, that you are still a dickhead and not trying to change at all. For the record, I don’t really give a dead moose’s last shit, just thought I’d point it out to you that you still fail.

Jerk off onto his back Wayne!!

ive changed my life. ive got a decent job, a great girl, im getting my ass out of momma dukes place in a month or so, buying a new car and all that… i just cant stand self-riteous cocksuckers who come off as if they are gods gift when they are fuckin douchebags and have to rag on people to make themselves feel better about their pathetic meaningless lives. just because i change my ways does not mean everyone else is going to change theirs. if i get shit, im still going to give shit back… im not just going to turn the other cheek so to speak. never have, never will.

Bad comebacks, google searched images, EPIC levels of EPiC FAIL, punching bag for everyone else… Whats not to like?

As much as everyone hates Travis. No one can ever get enough Travis bashing when he starts posting.

Fail, and FWIW I’m the one that uber banned you

Again…we are not pathetic…you come on here and say shit that is literally by all standards, (not ours) that is utter and complete bullshit. If you can’t see that then you clearly have not learned shit the past few weeks.

and he never will, which will provide immeasurable amounts of entertainment between his major banworthy fuckups.

I hear you’ve been doing some E36 welding lately…:shifty

warmin up for me? :rofl