membership cards

i still need to get my card could you mail it to me. because i would like to have it before the grandbend event so i can still get my club discount. thanks

PM me with your mailing address and I will send it out, we never got a
chance to meet up this year, so mail is fine.

Stickers are on the way, we are looking for pricing, please let me know if
you know any good places to have 2 color stickers made.


haha i was wondering where these stickers on my car came from, i only just joined son this year and i picked up a rolling chassis not to long ago as well and it has the son stickers on the side, so i thought i’d figure out where they came from… its too bad the stickers aren’t still offered or membership cards, I think we need a store for this club or something to should be discussed … Any Thoughts ??


holy fuck. you bumped a thread for 2005!..thats intense lol. as for stickers and membership cards? i remember when i first joined that was in place. maybe i just never was in the right place to get them but. i think something should be done about this… i dont mean mutiny on son either. i remember someone on son could do decals? maybe we could get a bunch for our members… cause i would even pay up to 30 bucks or so for some stickers to represent son. that and when we see each other out on the roads we can identify each other better. just a thought… but i would take a son decal that went across either my front or rear window and maybe like 8 smaller ones for the side glass’s my tool box ext. like 6-8 inches long.



I got my membershit card! I still have it! It’s framed with some pics of my car lol!

However I’m still waiting for my stickers too… I have only been waiting for 6 years now!

I would like to sport some SON on my 240, however, if these decals do come to light…whomever is to have them on their car can’t be driving around like a douche cannon. That will bring heat to all of us who have the stickers on our cars.

i would also like a sticker and card please pm me

I had a card, but it was revoked when I sold my S-chassis. It works a lot like the man card, you lose it when you cuddle without having sex.