Membership Fees

After a great deal of debate we have decided on $20. I know we had
previously stated a $35 fee. If you have already paid you can either get
the $15 back, or carry the balance towards next year’s fee.

The membership will still include a membership card which is in the works
and will be given out at a meet in the spring. Each member will receive 2
SON240SX.CA stickers as well, and we are working on various promotions
with magazines and automotive shops.

More details on membership will be posted. But for now this is what is
included. Full forum access will be granted for members, and members
will be able to post pictures online in their photo album to take advantage
of the webspace provided. We will also be offering email
addresses to members in the near future.

So the bottom line is the membership fee is $20. If you would like to join
contact a Regional Leader (You can see this info in the regional threads in
the club section) or myself.

If you have any other questions just post in this thread so we can take
care of them and everyone will understand what’s going on.